[Cmake] Issues and new ideas

Cross, Geoff (CRD) crossge at crd.ge.com
Thu May 10 14:43:05 EDT 2001

> With the notion of IGNORE there isn't as much need for a HAS_LIB
> value, I thought that was the motivation for adding IGNORE. The above
> code would reduce to
> FIND_LIBRARY(JPEG_LIBRARY jpeg path path...)
>    do something with it
> IF would only execute if JPEG_LIBRARY was (not (NOTFOUND || IGNORE))
> Likewise FIND_LIBRARY would only search for the library when
> JPEG_LIBRARY was NOTFOUND (or completely empty)

But it looks like FIND_LIBRARY will do the search unless JPEG_LIBRARY is "NOTFOUND".  If it were
IGNORE, off it would go and start searching.


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