[cmake-developers] New property scope for install()ed files?

Nils Gladitz nilsgladitz at gmail.com
Thu May 15 04:33:23 EDT 2014

In the context of http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=14911 I've been 
thinking it would be nice if there were properties for installed files 
like there are for source files.

For my purposes they would have to be exported for CPack (e.g. in 
CPackConfig.cmake) similar to how test properties are exported through 

The same properties may or may not be nice to have in the actual install 
(cmake_install.cmake) as well though probably not for my use case.

Currently CPack support in cmake itself seems to be entirely cmake 
script based which a new property scope in set_property()/get_property() 
might break.

Some additional use cases that come to mind are:
- mapping the existing permissions to properties
- support for ACLs
- more elegantly tagging files for start menu or desktop links
- tagging configuration files in linux packages (e.g. deb conffiles)

Looking for any kind of input.


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