[cmake-developers] VS2010 fortran composer

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Mon Mar 7 06:58:38 EST 2011

I've made some progress on a Fortran Composer generator for VS2010
If I create a fortran project, I can load it in the IDE and everything works OK, but in order to do this I must detect the fortran compiler first. I am doing this by running cmake using nmake makefiles, then changing the generator in the cmakecach file manually to use the visual studio generator. All is well.

Now that the generator is producing projects that load and compile (very simple ones). I wanted to make the cmTryCompileExec run using the project generator from first iteration.

When I try it, I get the following.

C:\cmakebuild\fortrantest\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec.vfproj(2,1): error MSB4075: The project file "C:\cmakebuild\fortrantest\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\cmTryCompileExec.vfproj" must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.

At this point, I'm not sure what to do.

Has anyone encountered this message before? (google is not helping much for me yet). I wonder if there is some completely different format used by msbuild rather than the devenv. The fortran projects look completely different to the cxx ones. simple vfproj attached for your reference.

PS. the ProjectIdGuid="{1693218C-E07A-4FC1-9D1C-7100019B3A95}"> is just copied from a generated project. How should I set this?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VisualStudioProject ProjectCreator="Intel Fortran" Keyword="Console Application" Version="11.0" ProjectIdGuid="{1693218C-E07A-4FC1-9D1C-7100019B3A95}">
    <Platform Name="x64"/>
  <Configuration Name="Debug|x64">
    <Tool Name="VFFortranCompilerTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" DebugInformationFormat="debugEnabled" Optimization="optimizeDisabled" Interfaces="true" WarnInterfaces="true" Traceback="true" BoundsCheck="true" RuntimeLibrary="rtMultiThreadedDebug"/>
    <Tool Name="VFLinkerTool" LinkIncremental="linkIncrementalNo" SuppressStartupBanner="true" GenerateDebugInformation="true" SubSystem="subSystemConsole"/>
    <Tool Name="VFResourceCompilerTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFMidlTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" TargetEnvironment="midlTargetAMD64"/>
    <Tool Name="VFCustomBuildTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPreBuildEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPostBuildEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFManifestTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true"/></Configuration>
  <Configuration Name="Release|x64">
    <Tool Name="VFFortranCompilerTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true"/>
    <Tool Name="VFLinkerTool" LinkIncremental="linkIncrementalNo" SuppressStartupBanner="true" SubSystem="subSystemConsole"/>
    <Tool Name="VFResourceCompilerTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFMidlTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" TargetEnvironment="midlTargetAMD64"/>
    <Tool Name="VFCustomBuildTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPreBuildEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFPostBuildEventTool"/>
    <Tool Name="VFManifestTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true"/></Configuration>
  <Filter Name="Header Files" Filter="fi;fd"/>
  <Filter Name="Resource Files" Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"/>
  <Filter Name="Source Files" Filter="f90;for;f;fpp;ftn;def;odl;idl">
    <File RelativePath="testFortranCompiler.f"/></Filter></Files>

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