[CDash] Acceptable range

Sébastien Dinot sebastien.dinot at csgroup.eu
Tue Sep 29 16:31:25 UTC 2020

Dear CDash community,

Let's take the test result below as an example:


I have some questions related to the "Acceptable Range" serie, which
appear on the "Test Time" graph:


    How is set exactly this "Acceptable Range", which seems to be a
    dynamically calculated trend?


    Is it possible to change this threshold and to give it a fixed value?


    What happens when the "Execution Time" of a test exceeds the
    "Acceptable Range"? Does CDash display any particular information on
    the dashboard? Does it send a notification to developers?

I did not find any information on this subject, neither in the project
documentation, nor on any other web site.

Thank you in advance for your insights,


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