[CDash] cdash database very big again, how to prune?

Dinkelacker, Stefan s.dinkelacker at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Wed May 22 08:17:09 UTC 2019

Hi Sean,

in the project settings -> Miscellaneous you can adjust the AutoRemove Timeframe (days) value which seems to default to 60. As there is also a CDASH_AUTOREMOVE_BUILDS value in the CDash configuration file which defaults to 0, I guess you have to switch it on there as well. There is also an autoRemoveBuilds script in the scripts folder you could call like "php autoRemoceBuild.php <project_name|all>".


-----Original Message-----
From: CDash [mailto:cdash-bounces at public.kitware.com] On Behalf Of Sean McBride
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 10:31 PM
To: cdash at public.kitware.com
Subject: [CDash] cdash database very big again, how to prune?

Zack, anyone,

My cdash database has again grow huge.  How do I prune away old data?  ex: > 3 months.  I used to use 'autoRemoveBuilds.php' but it seems to be gone in version 2.6.



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