[CDash] cdash installation feedback/questions

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Mar 14 07:50:02 UTC 2017

Hi Sean,

We need to update the website as it is clearly not up to date. It has 
been on my list but I didn't get a chance to tackle it yes.

I have successfully managed to get CDash working with PHP7.


On 13/03/2017 17:49, Sean McBride wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to setup cdash fresh on a new server and I have some feedback:
> 1) <http://www.cdash.org/download/>
> says "The current stable CDash release is 2.2.3"
> 2) <http://public.kitware.com/Wiki/CDash:Installation>
> The link under "See Also" is dead.
> 3) on same page: "Ubuntu Dependencies" seems out-of-date. On a fresh 16.04 LTS it says "package php5 is not available...".   Does cdash support PHP 7?
> 4) is the part about not working with MySQL strict mode still true?
> 5) the link to "MySQL sql mode documentation" is dead.
> Cheers,

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