[CDash] Submitting to sub projects via Curl

Wouter Klouwen wouter.klouwen at youview.com
Tue Aug 29 12:13:08 UTC 2017

Just to conclude this thread,

invoking the coverage through a CTest script script was indeed the magic
Subsequent submission with curl using just the project name was ingested
by CDash as expected.

Thanks David and Zack,

On 25/08/17 15:59, Wouter Klouwen wrote:
> At the moment I am executing the running of tests + coverage by means of
> using ctest -T.
> I will try to modify this into using the CTest test scripts, and feeding
> this into ctest -S.
> Thanks for the hint,
>      W
> On 25/08/17 15:53, David Cole wrote:
>> For this to work right, you need to set that property in the ctest -S
>> script which drives and submits the results. Are you using a -S
>> script, or are you driving it with ctest command line arguments
>> instead?
>> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 10:04 AM, Wouter Klouwen
>> <wouter.klouwen at youview.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Zack,
>>> thanks for taking the time to reply.
>>> Your suggestion makes sense, though the CTest HTTP submit handler code
>>> suggests that the "ctest -T Submit" does this via the HTTP URL:
>>> https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Source/CTest/cmCTestSubmitHandler.cxx#L1074
>>> Regardless of that, how does one get the Coverage.xml to contain this
>>> extra
>>> information? Putting the following line into the CMakeLists.txt or even
>>> CTestTestfile.cmake doesn't make anything appear in it:
>>>      set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY SubProject "example")
>>> Is this more of a question for the CMake group?
>>> I did find a fellow soul who seemingly had to do something very similar
>>> approximately 4 years ago but never posted an solution to his quandary:
>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17885371/ctest-cdash-subproject-xml-elements-missing-under-sites-using-includectest-on
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>      W
>>> On 25/08/17 13:32, Zack Galbreath wrote:
>>>> It sounds like you got pretty close!  What subproject a build
>>>> belongs to
>>>> should be embedded in the XML file you're submitting. Here's an example
>>>> <https://github.com/Kitware/CDash/blob/master/tests/data/AggregateSubProjectCoverage/debug_case/production/Coverage.xml#L26>.
>>>> Give this a try and let us know if it still doesn't work for you.
>>>> On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 5:39 AM, Wouter Klouwen
>>>> <wouter.klouwen at youview.com <mailto:wouter.klouwen at youview.com>> wrote:
>>>>      Hi All,
>>>>      I'm experimenting with a setup of CDash where I have one big
>>>> project
>>>>      containing a few hundred smaller projects.
>>>>      The first thing I want to do is to use it to gather code coverage
>>>>      metrics. I have a setup where Coverage.xml files are created
>>>> for the
>>>>      smaller projects.
>>>>      For a variety of reasons that might not possibly make all that
>>>> much
>>>>      sense, mainly to do with ease of integration into our existing CI
>>>>      pipeline, I'd like to curl to manually upload the result XML
>>>> files,
>>>>      rather than using the ctest and DartConfiguration.tcl.
>>>>      There's a page on the wiki that indicated how do to a manual
>>>>      submission*, which says to use a PUT and with curl, roughly
>>>>      translates into:
>>>>          $ curl -T /path/to/Coverage.xml
>>>> "http://hostname/submit.php?project=ProjectName&FileName=/path/to/Coverage.xml&MD5=somemd5
>>>> <http://hostname/submit.php?project=ProjectName&FileName=/path/to/Coverage.xml&MD5=somemd5>"
>>>>      This works fine for submitting into the main project, but with
>>>> this
>>>>      method I don't seem to be able to submit into a sub project,
>>>> despite
>>>>      adding "subproject=foobar" to the URL.
>>>>       From my reading of the PHP, it seems that only one code path
>>>> actually
>>>>      looks for the "subproject" parameter, and it's a POST submission.
>>>>      Should I change to using a POST, perhaps I cannot use manual
>>>> submission
>>>>      with sub projects, or is there another solution?
>>>>      Thanks in advance,
>>>>           W
>>>>      *:
>>>> https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/CDash:XML#Manually_submitting_to_CDash
>>>> <https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/CDash:XML#Manually_submitting_to_CDash>
>>>>      **:
>>>> https://blog.kitware.com/additional-coverage-features-in-cdash/
>>>>      <https://blog.kitware.com/additional-coverage-features-in-cdash/>
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