[CDash] [EXTERNAL] Re: uploading commit info to cdash dashboard

Zack Galbreath zack.galbreath at kitware.com
Wed Sep 28 13:19:50 UTC 2016

> On Sep 27, 2016, at 6:12 PM, Foucar, James G <jgfouca at sandia.gov> wrote:
> I'd really like to post the sha1 of the commit that was tested for an
> individual cdash build. I'd like to display it prominently once the build
> is clicked. For example, if you look here
> http://my.cdash.org/buildSummary.php?buildid=1056548
> You'll see a number of fields that are not particularly useful to us like
> OS Name and OS Version. I'd like to replace or hijack one of those fields
> to instead display the commit id that was tested. How might I go about
> doing this?

Hi Jim,

This is a good idea, but I'm not sure of a way you could affect this change
as a user of CDash.

This isn't quite as good, but you could link to a specific commit in your
online repository viewer from your build (assuming such a thing exists).
To do this, create a file ending in .url whose contents is the URL that
you'd like to associate with your build.  Then in your CTest driver script,

ctest_upload(FILES "/path/to/my.url")

...before calling ctest_submit().
You can see an example of this in action here:
click on the yellow brick Icon for the "link_to_github" build.

Generally speaking, the information you seek is already in the CDash
database (buildupdate.revision).  So it shouldn't be too much work to
expose this value on buildSummary.php.  I'll look further into this when I
get some time.

In the not too distant future, I plan on replacing the "Update" column on
index.php with a "Version" column when possible (any revision control
system more modern than CVS).  The idea being that seeing the version of
the code that was built is more useful than seeing how many files changed.
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