[CDash] Continuous doesn't run, but Experimental is fine

Miroslav Drahos mdrahos at aurisrobotics.com
Fri Sep 30 03:01:32 UTC 2016


I've been puzzled by the recent behavior I've been experiencing with cmake/ctest 3.2.2 on Ubuntu Linux. The Continuous target stopped working, although Experimental works fine. This is a recent development, I have had Continuous running fine for several months. Now something changed and I can't put a finger on it....

Here are some more details:

ctest -VV -D ContinuousStart

# output as expected, reports it created a new tag, Testing/TAG shows a new tag and Continuous

ctest -VV -D ContinuousBuild  # cmake was already run, so this should build, but it doesn't:

UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/path/to/Release/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/path/to/Release/DartConfiguration.tcl
   Site: ASR-163
   Build name: Linux-gcc4.9-Release
 Add coverage exclude regular expressions.
 Add coverage exclude: .*/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/.*
 Add coverage exclude: .*/moc_.*
 Add coverage exclude: .*/ui_.*
 Add coverage exclude: .*/Testing/.*

That's all the output I get. Nothing is built, no new file in Testing, Testing/TAG is still the same, no other file/directory in Testing is created.

ctest -VV -D ContinousSubmit   # nothing is submitted.

In contrast, Experimental does everything as expected. ExperimentalBuild builds, creates Testing/20160930-XXXX directory with Build.xml, ExperimentalSubmit target submits. What can be wrong? DartConfiguration.tcl seems ok, showing

# Commands for the build/test/submit cycle
ConfigureCommand: "/usr/bin/cmake" "/path/to/project"
MakeCommand: /usr/bin/cmake --build . --config "${CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE}"
DefaultCTestConfigurationType: Release

Any ideas/hints?

Thank you!

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