[CDash] CDash 2.0.2/PostgreSQL from Ubuntu 15.10 to 16.04

François Bertel fbopensource at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 02:02:32 UTC 2016

It happened that there was already a test.php at /var/www doing exactly
that (ie calling phpinfo(); ) At first, the rendered page was blank, which
indicated that php was not working properly, as you suggested.

I think the issue originates from the instructions on the CDash wiki page
about Ubuntu 12.04:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql php5-xsl
php5-curl php5-gd

The line above installs for an explicit version of the php packages:
php5 (maybe at the time of Ubuntu 12.04 there was no version-neutral
"php" package mechanism, who knows) With the upgrade to 16.04, which
switched to php7 as the default, somehow the installation became

In order to solve the issue, I tried to install the packages with
version-neutral php names:

$ sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-gd php-curl php-pgsql
The following additional packages will be installed:
  php7.0 php7.0-fpm libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php7.0-pgsql
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  php php7.0 php7.0-fpm libapache2-mod-php libapache2-mod-php7.0 php-curl
php-gd php7.0-curl php7.0-gd php-pgsql php7.0-pgsql

After restarting apache (sudo service apache2 restart), I was able to see
the correct phpinfo page.

Going back to the CDash index page itself, I was able to see a correctly
rendered CDash page. Unfortunately right now I see the CDash install page
because cdash is unable to access the postgresql db. This is probably
another package issue that I still have to investigate.

Thanks again for the diagnostic trick with phpinfo.

François Bertel

On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 7:45 PM, François Bertel <fbopensource at gmail.com>

> Thanks Zack. I will get back to you when I have some relevant progress to
> report.
> --
> François Bertel
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Zack Galbreath <
> zack.galbreath at kitware.com> wrote:
>> Hi Francois,
>> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Francois Bertel <fbopensource at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> I had CDash 2.0.2 successfully working on Ubuntu 15.10, using a
>>> PostgreSQL database.
>>> I just upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 and now when I go to my main CDash page
>>> (http://<myhostname>.local/CDash/), the output looks like some code
>>> that was not executed and passed directly to the client instead:
>>> the title of the page is ".$CDASH_MAININDEX_TITLE."
>>> the page itself starts with:
>>> '; $xml .= add_XML_value("title","CDash"); $xml .=
>>> "".$CDASH_CSS_FILE.""; $xml .= "".$CDASH_VERSION.""; $Banner = new Banner;
>>> $Banner->SetProjectId(0); $text = $Banner->GetText(); if($text !== false) {
>>> $xml .= ""; $xml .= add_XML_value("text",$text); $xml .= ""; } $xml .=
>>> "".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].""; $xml .= "".date("r").""; // Check if the
>>> database is up to date if(!pdo_query("SELECT updateid FROM build2update
>>> LIMIT 1") ) { $xml .= "1"; } $xml .= "
>>> [...]
>>> Do you know what could cause this behavior?
>> To me, this sounds like PHP is not being properly parsed by your web
>> server.
>> Try creating a .php page that just calls phpinfo() and navigate to it
>> using your web browser.
>> http://php.net/manual/en/function.phpinfo.php
>> Let us know if this renders correctly or not.
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