[Cdash] SQL error: SQL error encountered, query hidden.

Burlen Loring bloring at lbl.gov
Thu Oct 15 23:01:46 UTC 2015

OK, so our disk was full. that may have caused some of this. we will see 
tonight if the error go away.

One issue is that cdash had submission xml files starting from over a 
year ago until the disk got full in ./backup.

in my config.loval.php I have : CDASH_BACKUP_TIMEFRAME=48

cdash is supposed to delete them after 48 hours right? any idea why it 
might not be deleted?

On 10/10/2015 02:32 PM, Burlen Loring wrote:
> thanks Zack, output below. Also when I go to the page to show the list 
> of failed tests there are 4 entries for each test.
> http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/viewTest.php?onlyfailed&buildid=6045
>       Error Log
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:06:15 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(compute_test_difference): SQL error: Deadlock found when trying to 
> get lock; try restarting transaction/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:06:14 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(compute_test_difference): SQL error: Deadlock found when trying to 
> get lock; try restarting transaction/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:06:14 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(compute_test_difference): SQL error: Deadlock found when trying to 
> get lock; try restarting transaction/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:06:14 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(compute_test_difference): SQL error: Deadlock found when trying to 
> get lock; try restarting transaction/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:06:14 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(compute_test_difference): SQL error: Deadlock found when trying to 
> get lock; try restarting transaction/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:57 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '1-6045-2128329' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:55 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '2-6045-2101676' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:55 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '2-6045-2101678' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:55 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '3-6045-2128322' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:55 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '3-6045-2101680' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:55 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '3-6045-2101683' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:53 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '2-6045-2128292' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> *Error*reported on 2015-10-10 06:05:53 forbuild #6045 
> <http://cdash.visit.lbl.gov/buildSummary.php?buildid=6045>
> /(Label::InsertAssociation): SQL error: Duplicate entry 
> '3-6045-2128302' for key 'PRIMARY'/
> On 10/7/2015 7:30 AM, Zack Galbreath wrote:
>> Hi Burlen,
>> On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Burlen Loring <bloring at lbl.gov 
>> <mailto:bloring at lbl.gov>> wrote:
>>     Anyone know what this cdash error is about? It recently began
>>     appearing and results for some submissions are not displayed on
>>     the main page.
>> These errors aren't familiar to me.  If you have the permissions 
>> necessary to edit config.local.php, try temporarily setting 
>> $CDASH_PRODUCTION_MODE to false. This will show you the actual 
>> queries that are failing, rather than "query hidden".

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