[Cdash] cdash upgrade and no longer sending emails

clinton at elemtech.com clinton at elemtech.com
Fri Mar 27 10:55:06 EDT 2015

----- Original Message -----
> On 3/17/2015 3:40 PM, Clinton Stimpson wrote:
> > I've been debugging this and it appears that lookup_emails_to_send() in
> > sendemail.php only works where commits contain email addresses, such as
> > those
> > found in git repositories.
> >
> > It doesn't appear to work with svn anymore, where email addresses are
> > entered
> > in the user's profile.
> >
> > Is this a known issue?
> I don't think so.  What version was working for you?
> -Bill

CDash 2.0.2 was working for me previously.

By adding some debug logging 
    $mystr = ob_get_clean();
    add_log("Buildid ".$buildid,"sendemail query ".$mystr,LOG_WARNING);
I've narrowed it down to this sql query in sendemail.php:lookup_emails_to_send() returning an empty set during submission.
SELECT author,email,committeremail FROM updatefile AS uf,build2update AS b2u WHERE b2u.updateid=uf.updateid AND b2u.buildid=\"".$buildid."\"
I'm assuming the debug logging is working correctly.

If I go into mysql after the submission and run the query myself, I get a full list of authors, instead of an empty set.

I also noticed that while submitting, ctest is sending the Build.xml file before the Update.xml file.  Is that a problem?


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