[Cdash] Current release and repository

Matějů Miroslav, Ing. Mateju.Miroslav at azd.cz
Mon Jan 5 11:36:11 UTC 2015


I am a bit confused about what current CDash release is and where the new official repository resides. Julien mentioned the transfer from SVN to Git in a message in this conference on October 20th. The latest SVN revision's date is October 12th. I tried to google the new repository location and found https://github.com/Kitware/CDash which seems to be the official one.

However, the wiki page http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CDash:Installation still shows the SVN repository only. It also mentions 2.2.2 as the latest release. Although googling "cdash download" points me to the page http://www.cdash.org/download/ offering version 2.2.3 as the current stable release. However, this page does not look very credible: It says "Checkout CDash using SVN" while providing GitHub link only, speaks about 'cdash' table (instead of database, presumably) and links to https://github.com/Kitware/CDash.git<https://github.com/Kitware/CDash> while there exists no reference to the 2.2.3 release in the target repo (in releases, tags or branches).

Could someone provide me the correct information on the current project state?

Thanks in advance,

Miroslav Matějů
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