[Cdash] CDash 2.2 regression: Show Filters not available on pages where it used to be...

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Wed Oct 8 15:30:54 UTC 2014

We just updated open.cdash.org.


On 08/10/2014 17:20, David Cole wrote:
> Great, thanks!
> Hopefully when you've got it done, it won't take too long to propagate
> the fix onto the VTK dashboard.... Big projects like that are where I
> find the queryTests filters most useful.
> Cheers,
> D
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Julien Jomier <julien.jomier at kitware.com> wrote:
>> My bad... I'm putting a fix right now. Thanks for the report Dave.
>> Julien
>> On 07/10/2014 20:37, David Cole via Cdash wrote:
>>> As of the new UI changes in CDash 2.2, the "Show Filters" link is
>>> inside the little drop-down menu attached to the settings "gear" icon.
>>> That's a fine place for it, but that icon does not appear on the
>>> queryTests.php and viewTest.php pages, and it should.
>>> The pages listed in this part of the code...:
>>> https://github.com/GArik/CDash/blob/f131c38b/filterdataFunctions.php#L574
>>> ...are these:
>>> 'index.php'
>>> 'project.php'
>>> 'queryTests.php'
>>> 'viewCoverage.php'
>>> 'getviewcoverage.php'
>>> 'viewTest.php'
>>> But grepping for "Show Filters" only shows hits on index.xsl,
>>> queryTests.xsl and viewCoverage.xsl.
>>> Despite the grep hit in queryTests.xsl, there's no gear icon on the
>>> queryTests page, and the queryTests page is quite useless without
>>> being able to filter the results...
>>> Also: there's no way to show the filters on the viewTest.php page
>>> anymore either.
>>> Could whoever changed the UI please enable showing the filters on the
>>> queryTests and viewTest pages again? (Either with the gear settings
>>> icon, or just the old-fashioned hyperlink like they used to have...
>>> (It still has a hyperlink on the viewCoverage page...))
>>> Thanks,
>>> David C.
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