[Cdash] Lock timeouts after MySQL MyISAM -> InnoDB migration

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Jan 9 09:05:46 UTC 2014


Are you running asynchronous submissions on that particular CDash instance?


On 09/01/2014 10:03, Nils Gladitz wrote:
> On 01/09/2014 09:25 AM, Julien Jomier wrote:
>> You might need to tune your MySQL server. This article has been useful:
>> http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2013/09/20/innodb-performance-optimization-basics-updated/
> I did stumble upon that article before I performed the migration but I
> did not make the proper connection to this issue.
> The only setting I did adjust was setting innodb_buffer_pool_size=4096M
> (I do have 16GB but the server also runs PostgreSQL and a couple of
> Tomcat instances).
> I'll try to do a better job finding the optimal settings.
> Thanks again!
> Nils

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