[Cdash] MySQL MyISAM -> InnoDB

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Jan 7 08:32:04 UTC 2014

Hi Nils,

We have transition from MyISAM to InnoDB for most of the CDash instances 
here at Kitware. InnoDB is performing much better than MyISAM as long as 
you have enough memory on the server. It's also a little bit more 
difficult to recover from crashes than MyISAM table but overall we have 
seen a great improvement.


On 07/01/2014 08:56, Nils Gladitz wrote:
> I am thinking about migrating my CDash MySQL database from the MyISAM to
> the InnoDB storage engine.
> Has anyone tried this before?
> Are there any known issues?
> Nils
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