[Cdash] CDash created groups submission

christophe.alexandre at flexras.com christophe.alexandre at flexras.com
Thu Apr 17 15:57:08 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I've been using CMake and CDash for a couple of years, and until today
I worked using the standards targets: Continuous, Nightly and 
Experimental for builds and submission.
All those builds are in static library generation mode.

I would like now to replicate these targets, to have dynamic builds: 
Continuous_Dynamic, ...

On the CDash site, I can create groups, but I do not understand how I 
can submit to those new targets.
How should I add those new targets: Continous_DynamicUpdate, 
Continuous_DynamicTest, ... in the build, like
the standard targets.

and Thanks for the great work on CMake and CDash.


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