[Cdash] missing field emailcommitters

Igor Murzov e-mail at date.by
Wed Oct 16 09:47:02 UTC 2013

On Wed, 16 Oct 2013 09:30:38 +0200
Yngve Inntjore Levinsen <yngve.levinsen at gmail.com> wrote:

> In my cdash log I have a lot of warnings like this:
> [2013-10-16T09:02:44][INFO][pid=22094](pdo_single_row_query): error:
> pdo_query failed: Unknown column 'emailcommitters' in 'field list'

> I use cdash version 2.0.2, I upgraded a while back from 1.8.something
> I think it was, so maybe that is why I don't have this field in the
> table.

You're right, you need to upgrade your database after CDash upgrade.
Log in to your CDash as administrator, Switch to 'My CDash' view. Find
'Maintenance' link in the bottom of the page. On the maintenance page
there is a 'Upgrade CDash' button. Push it and wait for a while.
This should fix your issue.

-- Igor

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