[Cdash] [Patch] Authenticate against DokuWiki

Andreas Böhler andreas at aboehler.at
Wed Mar 27 06:18:20 EDT 2013


we recently implemented a CTest/CDash-based build machine in our 
institute. For collaboration, we use a DokuWiki based system where we 
already had user management and permissions implemented, but in 
DokuWiki's internal database.
We therefore added the ability to authenticate against DokuWiki in 
CDash, the patch against 2.0.2 is attached.

Two (DokuWiki) groups can be defined, an administrative group and a 
user group. DokuWiki's username is used as login username, NOT the 
E-Mail address. If a user is added to or removed from the admin group in 
DokuWiki, the change becomes effective on the next CDash login.


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