[Cdash] Weekly tests easily overseen

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Tue May 29 13:24:29 UTC 2012

Julien found the reason: There was a typo in one of the adjusted XML
files, so it was rejected by CDash, unfortunately without any error message
in the logs. Now I can continue to automate the process by creating a
script, which does the necessary steps every night.

Thanks again,


On 29/05/12 15:20, David Cole wrote:
> Are there errors in the cdash.log file?
> On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 7:17 AM, Julien Jomier
> <julien.jomier at kitware.com <mailto:julien.jomier at kitware.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Martin,
>     Could you send me the XML files (maybe in private) so I can check
>     if there is something wrong?
>     Julien
>     On 29/05/2012 11:41, Martin Apel wrote:
>         Hi Julien,
>         the XML files I have submitted are visible in the backup
>         directory.
>         I have access to the database, so I checked the following:
>         The submissions are visible in table 'submission'.
>         I also found the build in table 'build', but there the start
>         and end times
>         are zero, so this seems to be the problem somehow.
>         Then I checked the times in the submission table, which seem
>         to be OK,
>         but I assume that these are the submission start and end
>         times, not the ones
>         of the build or test. So it seems to me, that CDash does not
>         accept my
>         modified
>         XML files.
>         The relevant part of the Test.xml file is as follows:
>             BuildStamp="20120528-2200-Nightly"
>             <StartDateTime>May 29 09:00 CEST</StartDateTime>
>             <StartTestTime>1338274821</StartTestTime>
>             <EndDateTime>May 29 09:01 CEST</EndDateTime>
>             <EndTestTime>1338274881</EndTestTime>
>         <ElapsedMinutes>1.0</ElapsedMinutes></Testing>
>         Is there anything else I need to adjust for CDash to accept it?
>         Martin
>         On 29/05/12 10:02, Julien Jomier wrote:
>             Hi Martin,
>             Could you check the backup directory and see if you have
>             any XML related
>             to this submission? Do you have access to the database?
>             You can look in
>             the table build and see if the latest one is the one you
>             just submitted.
>             Julien
>             On 29/05/2012 09:49, Martin Apel wrote:
>                 Hi Julien,
>                 I finally got around to try out the approach we discussed.
>                 I adjusted the XML files as suggested and used the
>                 following CTest
>                 script to submit
>                 the files:
>                 "/scratch/simbuild/s_9XXX_64/develop")
>                 SET (CTEST_PROJECT_NAME "Test")
>                 SITE_NAME(CTEST_SITE)
>                 SET(CTEST_BUILD_NAME linux64-opt-Weekly)
>                 "/scratch/s_9XXX_64/dyn/Weekly-opt64-120527-0830")
>                 SET (CTEST_TEST_TIMEOUT 3600)
>                 SET (CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND "make -i -j8")
>                 SET (CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND "gcov")
>                 SET (CTEST_CONFIGURE_COMMAND "cmake
>                 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
>                 ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}")
>                 ctest_start(Nightly)
>                 ctest_submit(FILES
>                 ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/20120526-2200/Configure.xml
>                 ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/20120526-2200/Build.xml
>                 ${CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY}/Testing/20120526-2200/Test.xml)
>                 Uploading the results seems to work. However I do not
>                 see anything on
>                 the Dashboard for these uploads.
>                 The monitor page shows the submissions for these three
>                 files, but I had
>                 the impression, that they weren't processed at all,
>                 because the server load did not rise for even a second.
>                 Do you have any idea, how I can find out, what went wrong?
>                 Martin
>                 On 21/03/12 16:27, Julien Jomier wrote:
>                     Hi Martin,
>                     There is currently no way to make the test results
>                     visible for longer
>                     than 24h since this timeframe is hardcoded in
>                     CDash. It would require
>                     some efforts to make this configurable.
>                     It looks like the best option is to resubmit the
>                     test results every
>                     night and as you mentioned you would need to tweak
>                     the XML files. You
>                     will need to change the "BuildStamp" as well as
>                     the "StartDateTime" and
>                     "StartBuildTime" (and the corresponding
>                     EndDateTime and EndBuildTime).
>                     Hope that helps,
>                     Julien
>                     On 21/03/2012 15:26, Martin Apel wrote:
>                         Hi all,
>                         we are using weekly tests for long-running
>                         tests, which can only be
>                         carried out on weekends, not during our
>                         nightly builds.
>                         We start these tests on Saturday, but
>                         unfortunately test failures are
>                         regularly overseen, because CDash does not
>                         show the results
>                         on Monday anymore. The results are available
>                         for Sunday, but people tend
>                         to forget, they have to switch back to Sunday
>                         to see them.
>                         Is there any way to make test results visible
>                         for longer than one day?
>                         I also thought about resubmitting test results
>                         every night using a
>                         cronjob, but this would probably require some
>                         tweaking of the XML files,
>                         because they contain the build date. Would
>                         this be a possibility?
>                         Best Regards,
>                         Martin
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Martin Apel                                    
Software Architect                              
Phone:   + 49 8105 77266-53
E-Mail:  martin.apel at simpack.de

Friedrichshafener Strasse 1, 82205 Gilching, Germany
info at simpack.de, www.simpack.com
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