[Cdash] Color blind CDash users?

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 17:51:45 EDT 2012

2012/6/22 David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com>:
> I received some interesting feedback the other day on CDash from a user who
> is color blind.
> He noted that the key showing coverage levels (and other stop light colored
> keys in CDash) are not useful to him and the 10% of males who he says are
> color blind.  He suggested using a brighter green, and a more “yellow”
> yellow.  I don’t know if this is possible or how it will look, but I think
> this is fair feedback and should be seriously considered.
> Does anybody listening here have similar feedback, or concerns? Suggestions
> for exact values for color that we could use instead of the existing ones?

I'm no specialist but I had to chose colours for some Web documents
(in the past) and at that time I found valuable advice on some site
which gives you color palette "as they are seen" by various color-blind people,
may be it could help:

That said that was a long time ago I'm certainly not up to date on the subject.

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