[Cdash] Coverage XML Submission does not work

Daniel Haehn daniel.haehn at childrens.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 4 10:57:30 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I try to submit coverage information to my cdash as the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Site BuildName="Darwin-11.3.0" BuildStamp="1-debug"
Hostname="berlin.tch.harvard.edu" Name="berlin.tch.harvard.edu">
<StartDateTime>Jun 04 14:43 EST</StartDateTime>
<EndDateTime>Jun 04 14:43 EST</EndDateTime>

But it doesn't work - nothing appears. I also tried to submit the XML
from the cdash xml examples which includes coverage for multiple files
( http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/images/c/c6/ExampleFiles.zip) with no

Do you know what I am doing wrong? I tried it on our local CDash 2.0.2
and also on my.cdash.org 2.1.0 - nothing appears in the CDash log.


Daniel Haehn

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