[Cdash] Is it possible to authenticate user using LDAP when CDash is embedded in other site

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Apr 5 16:42:40 UTC 2012

Hi Andreas,

I'm sorry for the late reply.

If you want to use the HTTP basic authentication you would need to set 
the $CDASH_EXTERNAL_AUTH to '1' in your config.local.php. In that case 
you would need to do it every time the user logs in.

Another solution is to do an HTTP POST on the login.php page and post 
the fields 'login' and 'passwd'. Optionally you can set the 'rememberme' 
field to '1' and CDash will send a cookie in order to stay connected.


On 16/03/2012 21:08, Andreas Schuh wrote:
> Thanks, Julien, unfortunatley my experience with web development is
> not very profound.
> Could you please give me some more pointers on how this would roughly
> look like? Basically, I was thinking to mimic the actions a user would
> need to do at the moment, i.e., log in to CDash (which is displayed at
> the moment inside an iframe) and then as long as they are logged in
> they can access the pages without requiring them to enter their
> credentials, due to the stored session ID.
> Would your solution be to send such HTTP basic authentication together
> with every GET request using a ChiliProject plugin which actually
> sends out all these requests and handles the responses, or is there a
> way to have CDash store the session ID after the first request as it
> does it via a cookie stored client-side when I log in manually on the
> login page?
> I just played with the curl command
> curl -v -k --basic 'user:password' URL
> to see what's going on and it returned the requested page just fine.
> However, the page still had the "Login" link in the top menu which
> suggests to me that CDash did not consider me being logged in
> actually.
> Also
> curl -v -k -c cookie.txt -d 'user:password'<domain>/cdash/user.php
> followed by
> curl -v -k -c cookie.txt<domain>/cdash/
> did not help. Also when I tried to access the index page of a
> non-public project, I only got the login page as response.
> Any idea what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks and sorry for my very basic knowledge of these web technologies,
> Andreas
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Julien Jomier
> <julien.jomier at kitware.com>  wrote:
>> Hi Andreas,
>> You could write a plugin that would perform HTTP authentication via Ruby.
>> I'm not sure how flexible ChiliProject/Redmine is in terms of allowing
>> plugins to access user/password but it seems that it would be doable.
>> Julien
>> On 16/03/2012 17:23, Andreas Schuh wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> my goal is to embed CDash into ChiliProject/Redmine. This can be done,
>>> for example, using the tab plugin [1] (only downside is that it uses
>>> an iframe). Users would authenticate to ChiliProject/Redmine via LDAP.
>>> My question now is if it would be possible to write a plugin for
>>> ChiliProject/Redmine in Ruby which can automatically authenticate the
>>> user to CDash as well once they logged in to ChiliProject/Redmine
>>> given that both services were set up to use the same LDAP server.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andreas
>>> [1] http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/PluginTab
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