[Cdash] CDash subprojects

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Mar 9 08:35:53 UTC 2010


This is a very good point and some other users have asked the same 
question. After some talks with Dave Cole we think this is something 
doable by attaching a tag to a particular build. This feature will 
require some modifications to CDash and we will probably work on this soon.


On 3/8/2010 9:32 PM, beaudoin.martin at ireq.ca wrote:
> Hello,
> I have read with much interest the July 2009 Kitware Software
> Developer’s Quaterly Newsletter where the concept of CDash subprojects
> was presented.
> We can see that using subprojects with CDash requires a mix of
> CMakeLists.txt and CTest driver scripts.
> My question is: would it be possible not to use any CTest scripts at
> all, and only use CMakeLists.txt and some specific CMake target rules in
> order to submit subprojects results?
> Best regards,
> Martin Beaudoin
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