[Cdash] Submitting test results manually to test group other than Continuous, Nightly or Experimental

Larry Procter larry at transpireinc.com
Mon Jun 14 23:35:36 UTC 2010

I am interested in finding out how to manually submit test results (ie,
the XML files) to a test group other than Nightly, Continuous or
Experimental.  I have created a "Weekly" group on on of my dashboards
and I am able to successfully post results to it by including the
following statement in my top-level cmake script:

ctest_start(${MODEL} TRACK ${MODEL})

On occasion, communication between the test machine and the CDash server
fails. How can I manually submit the xml files?  In the past, I have
simply invoked "nmake NightlySubmit" on Windows to do this. I can't find
any mention of "Weekly" in the generated Makefiles.

Thanks for your help,


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