[Cdash] test do not show up, and switch off of duplicate warnings removal

"Jörg F. Unger" j-unger at northwestern.edu
Mon Jul 19 14:07:29 UTC 2010

  I've installed CDash as shown in the manual. Then I've run some test 
(make -D experimental) and submitted it. Although I see the report on 
the Dashboard, it has no information related to tests included (0 tests 
notrun, fail, passed etc.), although I see that the tests were actually 
performed when executing make -D experimental. In the test.xml file that 
is uploaded, there is also information about the executed tests. Anyone 
an idea, why it's not showing up on the Dashboard?
The second question is related to warnings. How can I switch off that 
warnings are removed, because they have already been present in previous 

Jörg F.

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