[Cdash] Email to admins

Tobias Kaupp t.kaupp at marathon-robotics.com
Sat Jul 10 00:56:31 UTC 2010


As a project administrator, I seem to get all emails on failures regardless 
whether I am the author of the submission or not. Is this the intended 

Is it possible to configure cdash to only send emails when I'm the author? I 
unchecked the "Email Administrator" tick box which didn't change the behaviour 
described above (according to the documentation this setting refers to failed 
xml parsing, so I didn't expect a changed behaviour).

I'm using CDash 1.6.2.

Thank you.

Regards, Tobias

Dr Tobias Kaupp
t.kaupp at marathon-robotics.com
+61 2 9209 4021

Marathon Robotics Pty Ltd

National Innovation Centre
4 Cornwallis St
Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Sydney, Australia

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