[Cdash] Possible to add custom output to report?

Ryan Pavlik rpavlik at iastate.edu
Tue Feb 16 14:32:23 UTC 2010

Well, I wrote a module that lets me do an "add_boost_test" command that 
adds the executable target as well as the tests for ctest to run.  I've 
attached it - note that it's somewhat preliminary so it can probably be 

Boost.Test can produce XML output, and I'm hoping that perhaps this 
function can be simplified by taking advantage of that capability.


On 02/16/2010 06:46 AM, ariasgore at gmx.de wrote:
> Hello,
> I am evaluating the use of CDash for us and it looks quite great :) so far.
> We are partially driving massive tests suites build uppon Boost.Test which produces some console output while running. It can be configure to be totally silent on success and verbose otherwise.
> Is there a way this output could be added to the submitted data?
> CTest is quite misleading in my opinion. At first I thought it is some kind of a test framework provided to test the code but I suppose its not? right?
> So is there a way to enrich that with custon boost tests?
> They are entirely created with cmake and are part of our dev process so adding them to the nightly or continuous builds would be great.
> Thanks
> Sam

Ryan Pavlik
HCI Graduate Student
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University

rpavlik at iastate.edu
Internal VRAC/HCI Site: http://tinyurl.com/rpavlik

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