[Cdash] Missing Warnings on CDash when there are no errors

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Wed Apr 28 18:24:57 UTC 2010

OK. Silly question. Are you sure that the code with the warning in it is
being re-compiled during the runs where the warning is not showing up....?

If you build the code once and see the warning, and then type "make
Experimental" -- then, of course, the warning will not be there, because the
code is up to date and does not have to re-compile the source file that
contains the warning...

If you force the code to build, (with 'touch file.cxx' before the 'make
Experimental'), does that make the warning show up?

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at alma3d.com> wrote:

> Yes, we do  have one:
> # -- Exclusion lists for coverage
> # Exclude from coverage Anything under /Testing dir
> # Exclude from coverage any cxx file that starts with test
>   "/Testing"
>   "test*.cxx"
>   )
> # --- eof
> we use it to exclude some files from coverage measurements.
> Regards
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:54 PM, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com>wrote:
>> Do you have a "CTestCustom" file...?
>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at alma3d.com>wrote:
>>> Some more data:
>>> when forcing a compilation error, make command returns "2" to the shell,
>>> and returns a 0 if the compilation went ok (even if there were warnings).
>>> Regards
>>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at alma3d.com>wrote:
>>>> Hello David
>>>> I've added an
>>>> int foo;
>>>> unused variable in a project and compiled in Visual STudio 9 showing the
>>>> following warning:
>>>> warning C4101: 'foo' : unreferenced local variable
>>>> However, when I submit a Experimental Build to Dash, the warning is not
>>>> shown in the server, and the build.xml contains:
>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>> <Site BuildName="SegmentationLib.sta.Win32-vs9-Release"
>>>>     BuildStamp="20100427-1707-Experimental"
>>>>     Name="FRINK"
>>>>     Generator="ctest-2.8.0"
>>>>     CompilerName="cl"
>>>>     OSName="Windows"
>>>>     Hostname="Frink"
>>>>     OSRelease="Vista"
>>>>     OSVersion=" (Build 7600)"
>>>>     OSPlatform="x86"
>>>>     Is64Bits="0"
>>>>     VendorString="GenuineIntel"
>>>>     VendorID="Intel Corporation"
>>>>     FamilyID="6"
>>>>     ModelID="7"
>>>>     ProcessorCacheSize="-1"
>>>>     NumberOfLogicalCPU="1"
>>>>     NumberOfPhysicalCPU="2"
>>>>     TotalVirtualMemory="2047"
>>>>     TotalPhysicalMemory="0"
>>>>     LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical="2"
>>>>     ProcessorClockFrequency="2996"
>>>> >
>>>> <Build>
>>>>     <StartDateTime>Apr 27 19:07 Hora de verano romance</StartDateTime>
>>>>     <StartBuildTime>1272388059</StartBuildTime>
>>>> <BuildCommand>C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.comSegmentationLib.sln /build Release /project ALL_BUILD</BuildCommand>
>>>>     <Log Encoding="base64" Compression="/bin/gzip">
>>>>     </Log>
>>>>     <EndDateTime>Apr 27 19:07 Hora de verano romance</EndDateTime>
>>>>     <EndBuildTime>1272388059</EndBuildTime>
>>>> <ElapsedMinutes>0</ElapsedMinutes></Build>
>>>> </Site>
>>>> as you can see, there are no warnings reported
>>>> In GCC 3.4.5, the same warning:
>>>> C:/work/projects/ALMA_Segmentation/SegmentationLib/Code/Segmentation.cpp:
>>>> In member function `void
>>>> alma::SegmentationLib::EventObserver::Initialize(alma::SegmentationLib::Progress*,
>>>> size_t, size_t)':
>>>> C:/work/projects/ALMA_Segmentation/SegmentationLib/Code/Segmentation.cpp:307:
>>>> warning: unused variable 'foo'
>>>> But when performing "make Experimental" on the command line, the CDash
>>>> submission has 0 warnings... and the corresponding xml file has no trace of
>>>> warnings also:
>>>> <Site BuildName="SegmentationLib.sta.MinGW-gcc345-Debug"
>>>> BuildStamp="20100427-1711-Experimental" Name="FRINK" Generator="ctest-2.8.0"
>>>> CompilerName="C:/MinGW/bin/c++.exe" OSName="Windows" Hostname="Frink"
>>>> OSRelease="Vista" OSVersion=" (Build 7600)" OSPlatform="x86" Is64Bits="0"
>>>> VendorString="GenuineIntel" VendorID="Intel Corporation" FamilyID="6"
>>>> ModelID="7" ProcessorCacheSize="-1" NumberOfLogicalCPU="1"
>>>> NumberOfPhysicalCPU="2" TotalVirtualMemory="2047" TotalPhysicalMemory="0"
>>>> LogicalProcessorsPerPhysical="2" ProcessorClockFrequency="2996">
>>>> -
>>>> <Build>
>>>> <StartDateTime>Apr 27 19:11 Hora de verano romance</StartDateTime>
>>>> <StartBuildTime>1272388316</StartBuildTime>
>>>> <BuildCommand>C:/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe -i</BuildCommand>
>>>> <Log Encoding="base64" Compression="/bin/gzip">
>>>>     </Log>
>>>> <EndDateTime>Apr 27 19:11 Hora de verano romance</EndDateTime>
>>>> <EndBuildTime>1272388318</EndBuildTime>
>>>> <ElapsedMinutes>0</ElapsedMinutes>
>>>> </Build>
>>>> </Site>
>>>> By the way we do not use CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS as far as I know
>>>> Regards, Sergio
>>>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:45 PM, David Cole <david.cole at kitware.com>wrote:
>>>>> If there are no warnings in the Build.xml file, then ctest did not
>>>>> detect any warnings.
>>>>> What is the text of the warnings you see if you do a build manually
>>>>> that has no errors....?
>>>>> If you run one of the compile command lines that produces warnings,
>>>>> what does the compiler return to the shell? Is it 0, or non-zero?
>>>>> Are you using CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS?
>>>>> Let us know,
>>>>> David
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:23 AM, Sergio Vera <sergio.vera at alma3d.com>wrote:
>>>>>> Hello
>>>>>> We have noticed that in our CDash server, the warning column (build
>>>>>> group) only shows compilation warnings when there are compilation errors.
>>>>>> When there are no compilation errors, the warnings are not shown. (It seems
>>>>>> to happen regardless of the compiler)
>>>>>> I've look at Build xml files and it's true that on those cases the xml
>>>>>> has no sign of warnings.
>>>>>> I don't know if this it's a normal behavior or its a
>>>>>> CMake/CTest/CDash.
>>>>>> How can I make the warnings to be shown on CDash even when no
>>>>>> compilation errors appear in the build process?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Julien Jomier <
>>>>>> julien.jomier at kitware.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On behalf of the CDash development team, I'm pleased to announce that
>>>>>>> CDash 1.6.4 is available for download at: http://www.cdash.org.
>>>>>>> This is a patch release for the 1.6 branch and therefore doesn't
>>>>>>> require any upgrade to the database. To upgrade, just replace the source
>>>>>>> files (and keep your cdash/config.local.php).
>>>>>>> This release fixes the following issues:
>>>>>>>  * CDash sends emails even when categories are disabled
>>>>>>>  * Missing client_jobschedule table columns
>>>>>>>  * Shared project repositories not updated correctly
>>>>>>>  * Improved command lines Build Error/Warning Display
>>>>>>>  * Subscription can be altered even if not admin
>>>>>>>  * Site description repeatedly escapes special characters
>>>>>>> If you have any problems or find any bugs, please report them at
>>>>>>> www.cdash.org/Bug.
>>>>>>> Happy CDashing,
>>>>>>> Julien
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> Cdash mailing list
>>>>>>> Cdash at public.kitware.com
>>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cdash
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sergio Vera
>>>>>> Alma IT Systems
>>>>>> C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>>>>>> 08022 Barcelona
>>>>>> T. (+34) 932 380 592
>>>>>> www.alma3d.com
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Cdash mailing list
>>>>>> Cdash at public.kitware.com
>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/cdash
>>>> --
>>>> Sergio Vera
>>>> Alma IT Systems
>>>> C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>>>> 08022 Barcelona
>>>> T. (+34) 932 380 592
>>>> www.alma3d.com
>>> --
>>> Sergio Vera
>>> Alma IT Systems
>>> C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
>>> 08022 Barcelona
>>> T. (+34) 932 380 592
>>> www.alma3d.com
> --
> Sergio Vera
> Alma IT Systems
> C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
> 08022 Barcelona
> T. (+34) 932 380 592
> www.alma3d.com
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