[Cdash] Adding SMTP Mail Authentication

Stefan cdashList at hohni-online.de
Mon Nov 23 09:38:03 UTC 2009


since I need to be able to send mails with authentication and CDash did not support this, I added this feature by adding a new function ( sendmail() ) in the common.php and renamed all callings to mail() with this function.

To reserve compatibility the authentication can be switched of and standard mail() function is used then (CDASH_EMAIL_USE_AUTHENTICATION).

For configuration of this I added the following variables to config.php :

$CDASH_EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.example.com';
$CDASH_EMAIL_PORT = 25; //for SSL set 465
$CDASH_EMAIL_USERNAME = 'smtp_username';
$CDASH_EMAIL_PASSWORD = 'smtp_password';

Let's call this a feature request for the next cdash release and a suggested implementation. It seems to work for me but I didn't test it in depth (since I have no idea how to trigger all mail functions of cdash).

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