[Cdash] Remove builds problem

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Mon Nov 9 02:35:53 EST 2009

Hi all,

I also had problems with the automatic removal of builds. I have set up
CDash to remove old builds after 90 days,
but there are still builds back from July of this year. I tried out your
recommendation with the explicit calling of the
autoRemoveBuilds script and it didn't work at first try, because I used
the project name instead of 'all'. Using 'all' instead
led to success. The cause seems to be, that our project name contains a
I have set up a cronjob invoking the command line below with "all", but
maybe others run into the same problem as well.



Julien Jomier wrote:
> Hi Tobias,
> Could you try to run the autoRemoveBuilds.php script from the command
> line and see if that works?
>    php5 autoRemoveBuilds.php all (or the name of the project).
> Note that if you are using MySQL and MyISAM tables, the database size
> might not change until you optimize it.
> Julien
> Tobias Kaupp wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> my cdash database has grown very large, so I've just tried to delete old
>> builds using the [Manage Backups]->[Remove builds] button on the web
>> interface. It didn't work (cdash version 1.4.2).
>> The browser's request never finalises even if I specify very short time
>> periods for deletion. I actually have to restart the apache server because I
>> can't get the browser out of that "hanging" state (HTTP requests to non-cdash
>> files still work). I couldn't find any error traces in the apache or mysql log
>> files.
>> Independently, I also set $CDASH_AUTOREMOVE_BUILDS='1' in config.php and
>> configured my project to autoremove older builds. This didn't seem to do
>> anything (I waited for a day).
>> Any ideas?
>> Regards, Tobias
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Martin Apel                                    
Software Architect                              
Phone:   + 49 8105 77266-53
E-Mail:  martin.apel at simpack.de

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