[Cdash] Apache configuration for test result submission

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Wed Nov 4 14:55:39 EST 2009


Are you trying to submit using CTest? or cURL? which URL do you use to 
submit? (localhost? or external URL of the system?).

If you can send me some logs (maybe in a private email), that would be 


Johannes Stallkamp wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for forgetting sending to list on my last reply.
>> Did you add the Directory attribute in your /etc/apache2/conf.d (or
>>  site file)?
>> <Directory /srv/www/htdocs/CDash> Order allow,deny Allow from all
>> </Directory>
> Yes. And I can successfully use all the CDash pages. I just cannot
> submit my results. Neither with CTest nor with curl directly. Using
> curl I just get the "405 Method not allowed".
> Can I give you any more info? Logs? Configurations?
> Thanks
> Johannes
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