[Cdash] Apache configuration for test result submission

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Wed Nov 4 09:33:58 EST 2009

Hi Johannes,

I'm wondering if the default Apache installation on your system is 
limiting the PUT method. Could you look at this page:


and see if that helps? Also you might need to install the mod_dav module 
for Apache and that might solve your problem as well.

Which system are you running CDash on?


Johannes Stallkamp wrote:
> Hello,
> I tried to setup CDash today for the first time but I do have problems
> with CTest submitting its results.
> The symptom is actually the same than here:
> http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/cdash/2009-April/000428.html
> The CTest files are not submitted because the server returns "405 Method
>  Not Allowed". In the other thread problem was tracked to some proxy and
> HTTP version issue. I am, however, running this on localhost for testing .
> As far as I understand, I need to configure my Apache to accept PUT
> requests. I am not sure how to achieve this. From the web, I found
> "Script PUT <scriptfile_to_handle_request>" but I am not sure, what
> <scriptfile_to_handle_request> needs to be.
> Any hints what I need to do?
> Thanks in advance
> Johannes
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