[Cdash] continuous: emails missing

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Wed May 6 14:21:36 UTC 2009


Are you using CDash 1.4.1? I think the issue is the same as reported by 
Fabrice and will be fixed in 1.4.2. In the meantime you can use the 
branch version of CDash (Release-1-4)


Tobias Kaupp wrote:
> Hi Julien,
> I've noticed another problem since the upgrade: I don't get emails any more 
> after continuous builds fail. However, I still get emails if nightly builds 
> fail. 
> My subscription hasn't changed, it's still set on "Email me when any builds 
> are breaking the dashboard ". The cdash.log file doesn't give me any clues of 
> what may be wrong.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers, Tobias

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