[Cdash] Cdash: Configuration Error/Warning

Jeff Baumes jeff.baumes at kitware.com
Thu Jul 16 15:16:39 UTC 2009

I had this same question a while back. Note also that the string matching is
(or at least was) case sensitive. VTK uses this to warn about the CMake
VTK/CMakeLists.txt, line 10


On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Julien Jomier
<julien.jomier at kitware.com>wrote:

> Hi Math,
> CDash parses the <log> tag and look for the "Warning:" keyword. If found it
> reports a warning. The error is only reported by checking the
> <ConfigureStatus> tag.
> Julien
> Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>> Hi there,
>>  I would like to know if anyone was able to get cdash to show
>> *configuration* error or warning ?
>>  I modified locally an existing Configure.xml, and I try to Submit it
>> again after having added some info within the <Configure> element. For
>> instance (*). It looks like the <Warning> element is not being taken
>> into account. What is the element name for reporting Warning/Error in
>> the Configure column on cdash ?
>> (*)
>> <Configure>
>>        <StartDateTime>Jul 16 09:21 CEST</StartDateTime>
>>        <StartConfigureTime>1247728878</StartConfigureTime>
>> <ConfigureCommand>"/usr/bin/cmake" "-GUnix Makefiles"
>> "/home/mathieu/Projects/Dashboards/Csm"</ConfigureCommand>
>>        <Warning>
>>                <BuildLogLine>123</BuildLogLine>
>>                <Text>This is my text
>> </Text>
>>                <SourceFile>/usr/include/mathieu.h</SourceFile>
>>                <SourceLineNumber>456</SourceLineNumber>
>>                <PreContext> from
>> /.../Csm/Applications/MendozaGRN/Code/ModelEnvironments.h:6,
>>                 from
>> /.../Csm/Applications/MendozaGRN/Code/ModelGeneEntity.hh:6,
>>                 from
>> /.../Csm/Applications/MendozaFixedPoints/Simulation/GenericTrajectoryProbe.hh:13,
>>                 from
>> /.../Csm/Applications/MendozaFixedPoints/Simulation/Simulator.txx:10,
>>                 from /.../Csm/Code/Common/csmSimulator.hxx:89,
>>                 from
>> /.../Csm/Testing/Applications/MendozaFixedPoints/MendozaFixedPoints.cxx:6:
>> </PreContext>
>>                <PostContext>Mon post context
>> </PostContext>
>>                <RepeatCount>0</RepeatCount>
>> </Warning>
>> <Log>-- The C compiler identification is GNU
>> -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU
>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
>> -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
>> -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
>> -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
>> -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
>> -- Boost version: 1.35.0
>> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
>> -- checking for module 'libxml-2.0'
>> --   found libxml-2.0, version 2.6.32
>> -- Found LibXml2: /usr/lib/libxml2.so
>> -- Configuring done
>> -- Generating done
>> -- Build files have been written to:
>> /home/mathieu/Projects/Dashboards/Csm-gcc-amd64
>> </Log>
>>        <ConfigureStatus>0</ConfigureStatus>
>>        <EndDateTime>Jul 16 09:21 CEST</EndDateTime>
>>        <EndConfigureTime>1247728878</EndConfigureTime>
>> <ElapsedMinutes>0</ElapsedMinutes></Configure>
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Mathieu
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Jeff Baumes, Ph.D.
R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
(518) 881-4932
jeff.baumes at kitware.com
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