[Cdash] Remove site (aka inverse of Claims site)

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Mon Jul 13 14:36:31 UTC 2009

Oops, I think we never implemented the feature to remove a site. Could 
you log a bug report at www.cdash.org/Bug? In the meantime if you tell 
me the name of the site I'll remove it manually.

Thanks for the report,

Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> I would like to remove a Site from the GDCM project (hosted on
> public.kitware.com). After navigating in the interface I could not
> find the link to remove a site ? I can easily claims new site, but not
> remove old site...
> I am Project Administrator for GDCM
> What am I missing ?
> Thanks,

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