[Cdash] Integrating KWStyle into CDash

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Mon Aug 3 11:15:17 UTC 2009

We had modified Dart to support the extra link to the generated HTML 
from KWStyle. Since it was a hack we didn't put the feature back in 
CDash. We are going to work on a special parser and a special "Style 
page" in CDash as we do for dynamic analysis and coverage. This will 
allow for a better a integration between the two tools.


Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
> 'lo,
>   I am still struggling to find out how to integrate KWStyle checking
> as part of the Nightly Dashboard.
>   Right now I have:
> http://csmtk.sourceforge.net/cdash/viewBuildError.php?buildid=10
>   But I find it particularly hard to read:
> - No hyperlink
> - No obvious filename (except when error implicitely report the
> filename as part of the message)
>   I do not understand what is missing from my ctest script(*) to
> upload the extra HTML files, as found :
> Thanks,

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