[Cdash] CDash using WebSVN: problems when ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}!= SVN repositoryroot

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Thu Apr 30 15:52:28 UTC 2009

Hi Julien,

thanks for your quick reply. I had to write a slash before develop, but
now it works.
CDash is really nice :-)



Julien Jomier wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> You can add the '&path=develop' in the configuration for the project.
>    http://servername/websvn/listing.php?repname=Projectname&path=develop
> and that should do the trick. Otherwise let us know.
> Julien
> Martin Apel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I tried to set up WebSVN to be used from within CDash for some project.
>> The directory layout of the project looks something like this:
>> <project-root>
>>    - develop
>>       - CMakeLists.txt
>>       - src
>>          - CMakeLists.txt
>> The important thing is, that the directory forming the root directory of
>> the svn repository is not the same as what ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} evaluates to,
>> because all development files are located in a subdirectory. While
>> WebSVN works without problems for this repository, CDash seems to
>> generate wrong links,
>> when showing filenames somewhere.
>> Example:
>> If there is a file under develop/src/test.cpp, the link CDash generates
>> looks like this:
>> http://servername/websvn/diff.php?repname=Projectname&path=/src/test.cpp
>> where the develop directory is missing. The WebSVN path specified in the
>> configuration of CDash looks like this:
>>    http://servername/websvn/listing.php?repname=Projectname
>> Is there any way to specify the corresponding directory for
>> ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}, such that CDash would include the "develop"
>> directory into the file's path?
>> Regards,
>> Martin
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Martin Apel                                     Tel:     0049 8153 9288-47
Software Architect                              E-Mail:  martin.apel at simpack.de

INTEC GmbH                                      Tel:     0049 8153 9288-0
Argelsrieder Feld 13                            Fax:     0049 8153 9288-11
82234 Wessling                                  E-Mail:  intec at simpack.de
Germany                                         URL:     http://www.simpack.com

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Version: AVF 19.358 from 29.04.2009

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