[Cdash] Generate a configure warning

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Thu Apr 23 20:49:08 UTC 2009


The message should start with "Warning:" (case sensitive) and that 
should work. Making the function case insensitive would require PHP5, so 
if that works for now let's keep it that way, otherwise let me know.


Jeff Baumes wrote:
> The following did not generate a CDash config warning:
> http://www.cdash.org/CDash/buildSummary.php?buildid=318676
> Do I need to have this as a STATUS message in CMake?
> Jeff
> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Julien Jomier 
> <julien.jomier at kitware.com <mailto:julien.jomier at kitware.com>> wrote:
>     Jeff,
>     Could you send me the generated XML files for the configure (it
>     should be in your testing directory), or point me to a build on the
>     dashboard.
>     Thanks,
>     Julien
>     Jeff Baumes wrote:
>         How do you generate a warning during a configure in CMake, so
>         that on CDash it appears as a warning of the configuration
>         process? I tried a normal message that starts with "WARNING:"
>         but CDash did not pick that up.
>         Jeff
>         -- 
>         Jeff Baumes, Ph.D.
>         R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
>         (518) 881-4932
>         jeff.baumes at kitware.com <mailto:jeff.baumes at kitware.com>
>         <mailto:jeff.baumes at kitware.com <mailto:jeff.baumes at kitware.com>>
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> -- 
> Jeff Baumes, Ph.D.
> R&D Engineer, Kitware Inc.
> (518) 881-4932
> jeff.baumes at kitware.com <mailto:jeff.baumes at kitware.com>

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