[Cdash] Email http-prefix

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Apr 7 11:06:57 UTC 2009


If you can add a bug report at http://www.cdash.org/Bug that would be great.

Thanks for the report,

Tobias Kaupp wrote:
> Hi,
> our cdash server runs on http but on a non-standard port. The emails generated 
> by cdash contain a link to the build summary and unfortunately, the URL 
> prefix is "https" instead of "http".
> I had a quick look in the code (sendemail.php) and it looks like the 
> http-prefix is set to "https" if a port other than 80 is used.
> Would it be possible to fix this? Should I file a bug report?
> Cheers, Tobias
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Tobias Kaupp
> Research Fellow, PhD
> The Australian Centre for Field Robotics          
> The Rose St Building, J04                          
> The University of Sydney, NSW 2006                      
> Australia                                              
> Phone:  +61 2 9036 7057
> Fax:    +61 2 9351 7474
> Email:  t.kaupp at cas.edu.au
> Web:    http://www.cas.edu.au/content.php/232.html?personid=45
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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