[Cdash] Newbie questions: Dart1 import and project deletion

Martin Apel martin.apel at simpack.de
Tue Apr 28 07:32:08 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I just set up CDash 1.4.1 from scratch, which went fine. I ran Dart
1.0.9 for a year or so until now. I have two questions:
1. I'd like to import the Dart1 files into CDash, but there isn't a
"Sites" directory in my Dart1 installation. The documentation says, I
should give this directory
    to the import process. Is the documentation wrong or is my Dart
installation too old?
2. Accidentally I created two projects with slightly different names in
CDash. I'd like to get rid of one of these, but haven't found a way, how
to delete a project.

Any help would be appreciated.



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