[Cdash] database support in cdash

Markus Grabner grabner at icg.tugraz.at
Mon Jun 30 19:50:20 UTC 2008

Am Montag, 30. Juni 2008 schrieb Julien Jomier:
> Markus,
> Thanks a lot. I'm going to implement your modifications this week or
> maybe next week.
> Could you send me the translated .sql files for PostGres? I want to test
>   the installation process.
Here you are! It's the "CDash/trunk/sql" directory including the original and 
transformed code. Note that the creation of the administrator account 
(cdashdata.sql) can't be processed in the same way since only data definition 
statements are translated. Since it is only a single line I do not consider 
this a serious issue :-)

> What do you want to check into the CDash repository? I think the best is
> probably to upload on the Wiki and put a description.
The transform script (in particular for the PHP code) will probably undergo 
some modifications until it works properly, so I think it should be in the 
repository (e.g., in a subdirectory "trunk/pdo"). The translated SQL code 
could also be stored in the repository, so people can have a look without 
having to install SQL-Translator themselves (which took me several hours, 
including all the perl dependencies and the patching). The wiki is certainly 
a good place to document the transform stuff.

	Kind regards,

Markus Grabner - Computer Graphics and Vision
Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a/II, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43/316/873-5041, Fax: +43/316/873-5050
WWW: http://www.icg.tugraz.at/Members/grabner
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