[Cdash] No email on failed continuous builds

Trevor Kellaway tkellaway at asl-vision.co.uk
Sat Jun 21 18:24:00 UTC 2008

Julien / Bill,

> I just fixed that last week should be on the branch. Sorry 
> you had to go through the same debugging that I did...  It 
> now sends the email on the update.  It will also send email 
> to registered folks on the Test.xml. 
> It still needs some work, but it should be more functional now.

Thanks, that is working for me now (only got a single email).

A couple of questions about Cdash's svn repo:

How come it looks like this fix has been applied to
https://www.kitware.com:8443/svn/CDash/Release-1-0 post 1-0 release?
Shouldn't this be treated like a tag, and fixes applied to a

I've seen mention of a 1-2 as the next planned release, I assume this is
the latest trunk?

What happened to 1-1?


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