[Cdash] database support in cdash

Markus Grabner grabner at icg.tugraz.at
Tue Apr 22 11:53:01 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, 16. April 2008 14:56 schrieb Julien Jomier:
> Hi Markus,
> Yes, there is plan to use php PDO to support other databases.
> PDO ships with PHP 5.1, which means that if we add support for PDO it
> won't be compatible with previous version of PHP (<5.1), that was the
> only concern.
Is PDO support already in progress, or is there a timeframe when this is 
likely to happen? I was also wondering to which extent this can be done 
automatically (i.e., transform code using native mysql_* function into code 
using the PDO classes). Is there any tool for this translation, or is it 
totally out of question?

	Thanks & kind regards,

Markus Grabner - Computer Graphics and Vision
Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 16a/II, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43/316/873-5041, Fax: +43/316/873-5050
WWW: http://www.icg.tugraz.at/Members/grabner

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