[Cdash] CVSTrac support and submission error

Julien Jomier julien.jomier at kitware.com
Tue Apr 15 11:47:02 UTC 2008

Hi Anton,

CDash doesn't use a trigger anymore. The CTest error is probably because 
the trigger page doesn't exist. We have added an option in CMake 2.6 to 
avoid using a trigger in CTest, in the meantime we can add a fake page 
in CDash to avoid this.
In any case, you should get a successful submission on CDash despite of 
this error.

CVSTrac support has been added into CDash and will be part of the 1.0 
release (coming soon).

We are going to add the warning you suggest during the installation 
process. Thanks for the report.


Anton Deguet wrote:
> Hello,
> I am now testing CDash and I get this error message:
> Submit files (using http)
> Using HTTP submit method   Drop site: 
> http://www.cisst.org/cisst/cisst-private/CDash/submit.php?project=cisst
>    Uploaded: 
> /home/stomach/anton/devel/cisst-mts/linux/Testing/20080414-2010/Build.xml
>    Uploaded: 
> /home/stomach/anton/devel/cisst-mts/linux/Testing/20080414-2010/Configure.xml 
>    Uploaded: 
> /home/stomach/anton/devel/cisst-mts/linux/Testing/20080414-2010/Test.xml
>    Using HTTP trigger method
>    Trigger site:    Error when triggering: 
> ?xmlfile=cisst___Linux-Make-g%2B%2B-4.1.2-Co___20080414-2010-Experimental___XML___Build.xml 
>    Error message was: <url> malformed
> CURL output: []
>    Problems when triggering via HTTPErrors while running CTest
> Is this because of g++ in the build name?
> Also, it would be great if you could add support for CVSTrac.   URL look 
> like:
> http://www.host.org/path/cvstrac.cgi/dir?d=apps // ---- shows a 
> directory content
> http://www.host.org/path/cvstrac.cgi/rlog?f=apps/CMakeLists.txt // ----- 
> shows an overview of /apps/CMakeLists.txt
> http://www.host.org/path/cvstrac.cgi/fileview?f=apps/CMakeLists.txt&v=1.1 
> // ---- view file for a given version
> http://www.host.org/path/cvstrac.cgi/filediff?f=libs/CMakeLists.txt&v1=1.33&v2=1.34 
> // ---- show a diff between versions
> If you need more URL format, you can actually play with CVSTrac on 
> http://www.cvstrac.org/cvstrac/dir
> So far installation was easy but you might want to add a small warning 
> if the installation directory is read-only for the apache process.  It 
> took me some time to figure out what was going on.
> Anton
> ---
> Anton Deguet, Research Engineer, ERC-CISST/LCSR, Johns Hopkins University
> e-mail: anton.deguet at jhu.edu, iChat: anton.deguet at mac.com
> office phone: 410-516-5261, cell phone: 410-790-0456
> JHU, LCSR, CSEB 137b, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
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