[Cdash] Support of CVSTrac, in viewBuildError.php

Anton Deguet anton.deguet at jhu.edu
Thu Apr 17 19:26:14 UTC 2008


It looks like in viewBuildError.php the value $cvsurl is hard coded  
to work with some specific CVS/SVN web viewers only.   I don't have  
any PHP experience so I could be wrong.   When I added CVSTrac in  
CDash, I did a grep -i fisheye as it was a nice keyword and I assumed  
an easy way to locate web/cvs/svn specific parts of CDash.


Anton Deguet, Research Engineer, ERC-CISST/LCSR, Johns Hopkins  
e-mail: anton.deguet at jhu.edu, iChat: anton.deguet at mac.com
office phone: 410-516-5261, cell phone: 410-790-0456
JHU, LCSR, CSEB 137b, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218,  

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