[Cdash] Error while submitting Test.xml

Anton Deguet anton.deguet at jhu.edu
Tue Apr 15 20:59:17 UTC 2008


I am having some issues submitting the test results using "http".

- ctest reported an error re. submitting Test.xml:
   Error when uploading file: ....
   Error message was: Empty reply from server

- The log file reported: (parse_XML): Cannot parse XMLInvalid  
document end

- The file xyz_Test.xml didn't appear in backup on the server side

- In the Dashboard, test results didn't show (obviously)

- And I finally got a useful message in my apache log:
   Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted  
(tried to allocate 12 bytes) in /var/www/resources/software/cisst- 
private/CDash/common.php on line 228

- I modified my php.ini to increase the memory limit and it works for  

This is all I got so far.   Two possible improvements:
- Report the size limit on the CTest client side.
- Modify the code to process Test.xml by pieces based on how much  
memory has been allocated for php.

Bon courage et merci,


Anton Deguet, Research Engineer, ERC-CISST/LCSR, Johns Hopkins  
e-mail: anton.deguet at jhu.edu, iChat: anton.deguet at mac.com
office phone: 410-516-5261, cell phone: 410-790-0456
JHU, LCSR, CSEB 137b, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218,  

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