[CastXML] how to print the exact same declaration as in the header ?

Matt mattator at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 09:36:04 EDT 2016


I've just started with pygccxml/castxml and I must admit it's quite
impressive: doc/examples and worked straightout of the box.

I want to use pygccxml to generate wrapper functions around glibc
functions. I can't use LD_PRELOAD or --wrap techniques so I have to
copy/paste the declarations of these functions which is a pain.
I am trying to automate this copy/paste via pygccxml.

So far, I have:
func1a = global_namespace.free_function(name="printf")
which output:
extern int printf(__restrict__ char const * __format, ...) [free function]
is very near to what I want:
extern int printf(__restrict__ char const * __format, ...)

I have done dir(func1a) to see which members I could use and grepped
for __str__ to see the magic but miserably fail to find the location.
How could I output the same declaration as in the header please ?


Nb: In the list of  programs using pygccxml you could add www.nsnam.org

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