[CastXML] Basic usage of castxml

greg graygemail at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 08:28:32 EDT 2016


I am very new to Castxml.
If i understand, it should generate a .xml from the C++ source code with a
description of class name, arguments, functions,... ?
My possible goal would be to wrap a C++ library to C#. Using the exported
.xml to generate a C# wrapper generator.

i have a test header file like this one:
#ifndef Test_H
#define Test_H
class  Test
int _variableInteger;
Test()  {_variableInteger = 51;};
~Test() {};
#endif // Test_H

I tried to test it. I downloaded a binary version of Castxml here:

Note: I have Visual Studio 2013 under Windows 7.

I extracted it on C:\MyFolder
i put my "test.h" file in:

i tried this command line:
castxml.exe --castxml-cc-msvc cl "Test.h"
I have this error message:

error: '--castxml-cc-msvc' compiler command failed:

 'cl' '-c' '-FoNUL' 'C:\MyFolder\CastXML/share/castxml/detect_vs.cpp'
Le fichier sp├®cifi├® est introuvable

What do i have to do to make it work ?
Do i need to do other installation tasks before ?
Do i need to build Castxml from source ? (why?)

When i try:
castxml.exe --version
I have the result.:
castxml version 0.1-gf1bb3c2

CastXML project maintained and supported by Kitware (kitware.com).

clang version 3.8.0 (tags/RELEASE_380/final)
Target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Thread model: posix

Is it normal to have "InstalledDir" empty ?

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