From Fri Oct 24 11:26:31 2014 From: () Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:26:31 -0000 Subject: No subject Message-ID: generating an element for the assignment operator of Foo2, but not for Foo. Is there any way to force GCCXML to generate an element for Foo::operator =() ? If not, then I wonder if there's any way that Cable can be enhanced to determine when it's appropriate to generate a wrapper for operator=(). The problem is that Cable would have to follow rules for generating such a wrapper that are analagous to those in the C++ standard that determine whether the implicit operator=() is defined or not. In other words, Cable would generate a wrapper for operator=() for a class except when: * the class has declared a private operator=(), and no public operator=() * the class has a member whose operator=() is not accessible * the class inherits from a base class whose operator()= is not accessible These rules would be further complicated by the question of whether the operator=() shiould take a const or non-const argument.